Our Technology

EntecPower has developed two innovative technologies and continuously strives to innovate, pioneering the predictive maintenance industry.

Active Ultrasonic Noise Cancelation (AUNC) Technology

MD-1000 demonstrates its true value in extreme noise environments

AUNC technology has been developed by EntecPower to ensure no defects are left undetected, regardless of the industry and its facility being inspected.

Using multiple analog ultrasonic sensors, AUNC technology blocks external environmental noise and similar noises in the ultrasonic frequency, accurately pinpointing ultrasonic signals from defective equipment amongst industrial noise.

Concurrently, defective ultrasonic signals are converted to an audible frequency and visualized for easy identification of defects.

"One-Click" Condition Assessment Algorithm

The “One-Click” Condition Assessment Algorithm has been developed by EntecPower using big data based on over 1.5 million diagnoses of defective power equipment and facilities from all over the world.

MD-1000 condition assessment normal result
MD-1000 condition assessment caution result
MD-1000 condition assessment defect result

The algorithm analyzes the measured data and provides a verdict (normal, caution, defect) on its current condition together with a detailed report, all within a minute.

MD-1000 condition assessment report sample

The detailed report provides users with greater insight on the condition of the equipment, including equipment type, detected ultrasonic dB, temperature reading and measurement method, condition assessment (i.e., verdict), re-inspection timing (if required), captured image, and TIME/FFT graph with playback function.

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